Repeated Reading – a great tool for reading fluency.

Repeated reading of the same text has been studied extensively and is well recognised as an effective, evidence-based approach to boosting reading fluency and confidence.

(see Padeliadu & Giatzidou, 2018, for a review of eight meta-analyses).

Tutoring effectively…

1. Choose a passage that the student can read with very few errors
(one error for every 10 words in the initial read is a good guide).
2. The passage should be readable in 1-2 minutes (50-200 words).
3. Model fluent reading of the passage.
4. Preview potentially unknown or difficult words before they start.
5. Listen to the student read the passage and prompt to correct errors after three seconds. (Often simply pointing to the word to indicate to have another go, or to highlight the sounds they need to focus on correcting, is all that is needed).
6. Provide positive and corrective feedback after each reading.
7. Have the student read the passage at least four times (or until really confident, fluent and easy).
8. Plan for 10 to 15 minutes per fluency lesson, ideally three times a week.

A timer can be used to add to the motivation factor – older students may like to graph their words per minute and have a lovely, visual reminder of their progress. We do need to remind them though, that speed is not the only important factor – accuracy, comprehension and expression all matter.

Why is it so good?


Soars when students realise it is becoming easier.


Kicks in when not much else has been easy.


Happens with repeated practise.


Skyrockets with this easy work that emphasises blending for smooth, expressive reading with good pace.

At Bridge Learning, we use repeated reading as an easy but invaluable follow up task for home.

Contact us now for further information to kick start your child’s reading fluency.