Specialist Tutoring Noosa and Sunshine Coast

Identify Educate Grow

Individual tutoring for academic gaps and Specific Learning Disorder covering Noosa and the Sunshine Coast.

Identify the learning difficulty.

Educate with individual tutoring.

Research tells us that the most successful academic intervention is individually tailored and intensive. Together we will organise a tutoring program that best suits your needs. Often, more frequent tutoring sessions mean much faster progress. Our tutoring sessions are fast-paced, individually tailored activities to revise, learn and apply the skills your child needs. No worksheets or online activities.

Your child will be directly taught, monitored and encouraged for the whole tutoring session. This means any errors or misconceptions can be corrected immediately and consistently. This is what gets results.

Grow in skills and confidence

Choose your tutoring program

Intensive literacy

We utilise Sounds-Write, the recognised leading program in the field. Each tutoring lesson is at exactly the right instructional level for your child and involves the reversible skills of both reading and spelling.

Essential number skills

Concrete materials provide practical experience and a strong visual model to assist understanding. Use of representational and abstract symbols associated with higher level mathematics is then successful.

Better reading comprehension

Directly monitored and progressive skill development with proven comprehension strategies. Students CAN learn to use these for more accurate understanding of what they are reading.

Essential writing skills

Sequential development of the skills needed to create text, whether we are beginning at the sentence, paragraph or whole text level.

Secondary study skills

Strategies to successfully revise, research, plan and complete assignments according to assessment criteria. Support for Executive Functioning Skills that help with planning, focus and time management.

Who are we here for?

Students 6-16 years.

With or without formal diagnosis of Specific Learning Disorder (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, ADHD, Executive Functioning Difficulty).

Students presenting with academic delays, referred by schools, teachers, specialists or parents.

Why us?

While there are many good tutors and programs, children with Specific Learning Disorders need programs created for their learning needs. Children with academic delays need precise screening to identify where the misconceptions and gaps in knowledge and skill lie.  One on one tutoring provides close monitoring to make sure errors are corrected immediately and they practise the right skills.

We are highly trained in the use of these programs and screening tools.

Sessions are face-to-face.

We are intensive, 2-3 sessions per week (because this is what research shows is most effective).

Each short, fast-paced tutoring session will revise, teach and apply.

No boring workbooks or online programs, each tutoring lesson is created specifically for your child and directly taught, moving sequentially through the skills they need. Further practise for home is always provided.

We take the pressure off parents – we liaise with schools to negotiate homework load, align goals and support curriculum adjustments if needed. And you can relax while your child receives the very best of care.