Individual Tutoring is the Key to Learning Difficulty

3 Reasons Why Tutoring is the Key to Learning Difficulty…

1. Error Correction is vital if you are trying to break bad habits or fix misconceptions.
There can be no ‘leaving them to it.’ Not even when you have taught it brilliantly, when you think they’ve got it, or when they have done it correctly many times. You need to sit beside and watch everything they do. They need to do it correctly, every time. Habits are difficult to break and have often been there for some time. If a child reverts back to them, even for a short while when the tutor is with someone else, that practise is reinforcing the error. It’s too easy to do more harm than good ☹

2. Exactly the right instructional level is essential.
With 1:1 tutoring, there is no rushing over something because the others are ready to move on. We need to stop and work exactly where your child needs to work, to revisit a skill as much as they need to before we move on. Tutoring is more efficient and effective this way 😊

3. Response to instruction is hugely increased with individual tutoring.
If it takes more time to process a response, we can wait. If a child is less confident, it is much less intimidating. They can ‘have a go’ more often because the work is at a level they can have good success with. This build confidence, skills and motivation 😊

That’s why individual tutoring is ALL we do at Bridge Learning.

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