Get It Done!

Don’t let panic strike. 5 Steps to Making Secondary School Workload Manageable… 1. Make a list of tasks and due dates for each subject. Refer to school assessment calendar or term overviews provided for each subject. If unsure, email relevant teachers. 2. Record important dates into a calendar. Assessments, holidays and other commitments you need […]

Repeated Reading – a great tool for reading fluency.

Repeated reading of the same text has been studied extensively and is well recognised as an effective, evidence-based approach to boosting reading fluency and confidence. (see Padeliadu & Giatzidou, 2018, for a review of eight meta-analyses). Tutoring effectively… 1. Choose a passage that the student can read with very few errors (one error for every […]

Individual Tutoring is the Key to Learning Difficulty

3 Reasons Why Tutoring is the Key to Learning Difficulty… 1. Error Correction is vital if you are trying to break bad habits or fix misconceptions. There can be no ‘leaving them to it.’ Not even when you have taught it brilliantly, when you think they’ve got it, or when they have done it correctly […]

About Dyscalculia…

It is estimated that Dyscalculia affects 4 – 6% of the population, about one child in every classroom. Otherwise known as a Specific Learning Disorder with Impairment in Mathematics, Dyscalculia is associated with significant difficulty understanding numbers and working with mathematical concepts. Like all Specific Learning Disorders, it is persistent despite intervention, severe and unexpected […]

So what exactly is Academic Intervention?

It’s when you need to DO SOMETHING. To help a student to catch up. There is an important role for tutoring and learning support to play to help students who need a bit of a hand keeping up. But intervention is different. It’s catching up. The instructional level needs to be different. Often the program […]